Buckinghamshire Council has today announced it will be working to convert its vehicle fleet to zero emission, electric power in a unique partnership with Silverstone-based company Lunaz, the world leaders in vehicle restoration and electrification.
Council leader Martin Tett and David Lorenz, founder of Lunaz Group, today jointly signed a Letter of Intent to explore the options available for converting Buckinghamshire Council’s fleet of vehicles to electric power over coming years.
The document demonstrates the council's commitment to exploring greener options for council vehicles as part of its wider bid to cut carbon emissions before 2050.
Martin Tett said: “I’m very excited to sign this letter today. As a council we are fully committed to doing all we can do cut our carbon emissions and we know that converting our diesel and petrol vehicles to electric power as soon as we can, would be a giant step towards doing that.
“We are delighted to be working with Lunaz, industry leaders in this field. Together we hope to explore the best ways for converting our existing fleet of vehicles to electric. Rather than scrapping them and buying new, the innovative technologies being developed and employed by Lunaz will help us to use a much greener option, to effectively upcycle and rejuvenate our current fleet to fully electric vehicles.”
Over coming months and years the council will work with Lunaz to explore the options available for converting the different range of council vehicles to electric power, looking at which technologies are available and what works best with each type of vehicle.
David Lorenz, Founder and CEO of Lunaz Group said: "Here at Lunaz we are passionate about converting existing vehicles into electric ones for the benefit of current and future generations. We are proud citizens of Buckinghamshire and we are delighted to see the vibrancy of the clean technology industry that is on display here today.
"Our model of working is more economically and ecologically viable. We help to prevent diesel and petrol vehicles from being sent to landfill by remodelling them to transition to clean air industry vehicles, giving them a new lease of life.
“Signing the letter with Buckinghamshire Council today is the first confirmation of many conversations to come. We all need to be more sustainable in how we approach many aspects of our lives to tackle climate change and here at Lunaz, supporting organisations like Buckinghamshire Council and others to embrace new, green technologies in transport is one of our key priorities."
The announcement came at the Green Wheels in Motion event, one of the COP26 Regional Roadshows that took place at the Lunaz Group’s Silverstone Enterprise Zone HQ today, hosted by Buckinghamshire Council and partners. The event focused on sustainable transport solutions, showcasing a range of technologies and initiatives being developed and used in Buckinghamshire to decarbonise transport. It included the innovative upcycling work by the Lunaz Group that converts vehicles such as HGVs and waste collection vehicles to being able to run on electric power.