Friday, 11th November 2022
7pm for 7.30pm
Our speaker is former Toastmaster Brian Greenan, his subject is ‘Frank Sinatra and the Mafia’. You are welcome to join us for this fascinating talk. The cost is £25. The menu: Pâté maison, Gammon with pineapple, roast potatoes & seasonal vegetables. Apple crumble with ice cream or cheese & biscuits (if ordered in advance) being held at the Amersham & Chiltern Rugby Club, Ash Grove, Weedon Lane, off Copperkins Lane, Amersham HP6 5QU. To book, please email [email protected] or call her on 01494 772172 Preferred payment method is by BACS to our TSB account:
Sort code: 30-90-18 Account No: 00360790 Account Name: Conservative Supper Club or post your cheque to 11 Meades Lane, Chesham, HP5 1ND.